Gurbet is a Home Now

Gurbet is a Home Now December 13–25, 2021

Istanbul Modern Cinema, in collaboration with Goethe Institut Istanbul, presents a selection of films that trace the 60-year-long story of migration from Turkey to Germany. The program titled “Gurbet is a Home Now” includes films produced in the last decade, and that portray the coexistence of different identities, the rise of the racist terrorist organization NSU (National Socialist Underground), being a Muslim in Europe and the reflections of the crises unique to the rapidly globalizing world. The films redefine the subjects of immigration in Germany while they offer a new approach to the image of the so-called Almancı (the Turko-German) in Turkey, to ultimately reveal a rich emotional topography where the two cultures intersect. There will also be a live presentation and online coversation as part of the program.

Online Conversation with Pınar Öğrenci

An interview with director Pınar Öğrenci, whose film Gurbet is a Home Now, gives its name to the program, will be made available on YouTube. The conversation will be held in Turkish. Click to watch the interview.

On Love, Mark and Death with Cem Kaya
December 16, 17.00
Istanbul Modern Cinema

Director Cem Kaya will show clips from the documentary titled Love, Deutschmark and Death (Liebe, D-Mark und Tod) in his presentation and share the story of the film which has not yet been screened and which deals with the culture of music amongst the Turkish immigrants living in Germany from the 1960s to the present.

COVID-19 Precautions

-It is mandatory to wear a mask in the museum and cinema hall during the event.

-In order to gain entry to the event, a vaccination status control will be conducted through the HES application at the entrance of the cinema hall, and visitors, whose are not fully vaccinated, will be asked to show a negative PCR test performed no more than 48 hours ago.

-All controls will be made via the HES application. In order for the HES code to display the necessary information, we kindly request that our visitors download the current version of the HES mobile application and share the Risk Status, Vaccine Status, Disease Status and Test Status fields in the “HES Code Settings” section. PCR testing is not required for audiences under the age of 18.