Canada | DCP, Color, 92’ | English, Hindi, Spanish, Mandarin, Bengali
Directors: Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky

All living things need water. We humans interact with water in many different ways, many times each day. But how often do we reflect on the complexity of these interactions? Bringing together very different stories from various parts of the world, Watermark is a documentary that explores our relationship with water, what we learn from it, how we use it, and the consequences of that use. The film reveals, both physically and culturally, how we shape the Earth’s waters and the soil we live on. The film is a visual feast in which we visit giant abalone farms off China’s Fujian coast, the construction site of the Xiluodu Dam (six times the size of the Hoover Dam), and an arid desert where the Colorado River no longer reaches the sea.

Past Programs
September 5–October 4, 2015