UK, Belgium | DCP, Color, 119’ | English
Director:Ben Wheatley
Cast:Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Miller
Adapted from the novel by J. G. Ballard, the film summarizes the bewilderment, pride, and perversity of humankind as it fails to become master of the universe. Doctor Robert Laing moves into a futuristic luxury apartment building to retreat inward and lay low for a while. This concrete tower is full of tenants, each more peculiar than the other. While on the lower floors, hedonism prevails with endless orgies of sex and drugs, the skyscraper’s architect Mr. Royal livesa higher life completely detached from the residents below in his penthouse with its garden worthy of a palace. The relationship between top, middle, and lower floors becomes more and more brutal and devolves into an inconceivably violent war.