GOODBYE!, 1951

Turkey | DVD, Black & White, 112’ | Turkish
Director: Sami Ayanoğlu

Cast: Suavi Tedü, Gülistan Güzey, Samiye Hün, Hadi Hün, Esen Görkmen

The film is set during the War of Independence in an Istanbul under occupation. Naval captain İzzet Bey carries arms and ammunition to Anatolia. A member of the Kuvayı Milliye (National Militia), İzzet Bey has to fight both the occupying forces and collaborationists. While he is a patriot who does not hesitate to kill his brother-in-law who is a collaborationist, he falls for the British general’s daughter Betty.

Past Programs
Cinema Lies at the Heart of Istanbul
September 25–October 2, 2014