The exhibition "Istanbul Modern – Bahrain", which was on view at Bahrain National Museum, was part of a series of collection exhibitions held by Istanbul Modern since 2009 in major cities of the world such as Berlin, Seoul, and Rotterdam. The exhibition featured a selection consisting of 180 works by 78 artists from Istanbul Modern’s collection of modern and contemporary art and photography.
"Istanbul Modern – Bahrain" focused on topical themes of the contemporary world such as imagination, identity, the body and the socio-political discourses surrounding it, present-day political tensions, the interdisciplinary nature of visual culture, and the sanctifying of life. Gathering together works from different periods and times,
the exhibition described Istanbul as a new continent at the center of contemporary art while pointing to the dynamics of transformation and change which have taken place in contemporary art in Turkey from the 1950s to the present day.
Collection: Fahrelnissa Zeid, Aliye Berger, Zeki Faik İzer, Sabri Berkel, Ferruh Başağa, Nejad Melih Devrim, Adnan Çoker, Burhan Doğançay, Ömer Uluç, Nil Yalter, Tomur Atagök, Azade Köker, Balkan Naci İslimyeli, Bedri Baykam,Canan Tolon, Fatma Tülin, Yusuf Taktak, İnci Eviner, Selma Gürbüz, İrfan Önürmen, Tayfun Erdoğmuş, Temür Köran, Mustafa Horasan, Mustafa Horasan, Ramazan Bayrakoğlu, Taner Ceylan, Haluk Akakçe, Nezaket Ekici, Nuri Kuzucan, Nilbar Güreş
Photography Collection: Cengı̇z Akduman, Merı̇h Akoğul, Burcu Aksoy, Arı̇f Aşçı, Tahsı̇n Aydoğmuş, Jak Baruh, Atı̇la Cangır, Nevzat Çakır, Anı̇ Çelı̇k Arevyan, İsa Çelı̇k, Manuel Çıtak, Gültekı̇n Çı̇zgen, Burhan Doğançay, Şakı̇r Eczacıbaşı, Ahmet Elhan, Cemal Emden, Kamı̇l Fırat, Abdullah Frères, Gülmez Frères, Murat Germen, Ara Güler, Şemsı̇ Güner, Selı̇m Güneş, Mihran İranian, Sabı̇t Kalfagı̇l, Cengı̇z Karlıova, Şahı̇n Kaygun, İzzet Kerı̇bar, Mehmet Kısmet, Sıtkı Kösemen, Aslı Narı̇n, Ömer Orhun, Ahmet Öner Gezgı̇n, Bülent Özgören, Lütfı̇ Özkök, Sedat Pakay, Rubellin Père - Fils, Othmar Pferschy, Ahmet Polat, Ozan Sağdıç, Sevı̇m Sancaktar, Pascal Sebah, Sebah& Joaillier, Etem Tem, Atı̇lla Torunoğlu, Cem Turgay, Yusuf Tuvı̇, İbrahı̇m Zaman