TILL IT’S GONE Exhibition Events Thursday, May 5, 2016, 18.30 Ahmet Emre Kütükçü, Wildlife Consultant for WWF-Turkey, gives a presentation at Istanbul Modern on “Wildlife First Aid Training” within the scope of the exhibition “TILL IT’S GONE”. In his presentation, Kütükçü explains what to do when one finds an injured, sick, or orphaned wild animal in nature or in the city, as well as how to carry, hold, and feed animals and how to treat them. After speaking about general characteristics of different species and explaining simple first aid interventions such as fluid therapy, Kütükçü gives information about which organizations to contact in such cases. The presentation ends with examples of injured animals which Kütükçü rescued previously and key points that need to be considered. Speaker: Ahmet Emre Kütükçü (Wildlife Consultant for WWF-Turkey) The event is free of charge. |