Thursday, October 8, 2015, 19.30
Taldans performs their play “Dolap” for YAP Istanbul Modern.Constructed on the relationship between body and architecture, the play at first seems to be a duet performed by two dancers, but with a refrigerator taking the center of the stage, it effectively turns into a trio. The struggle with the imposing bulk of the machine makes us realize that it is the object rather than the human being that plays a determining role in the process. The play takes place in the site-specific installation ALL THAT IS SOLID designed by PATTU for the museum’s courtyard within the scope of the YAP Istanbul Modern: Young Architects Program.
“At first we were working on a way to entirely eliminate the difference between rehearsal and performance rather than merely trying to reduce the effect of this difference. Every rehearsal could be the piece itself (or any one of its performances). Or, every performance was a rehearsal of other possibilities. Thus, we tried to figure out a way to challenge the problem of creating a work that can be adapted to any time and space. ‘Dolap’ does not have a fixed form or a predetermined ending. It is a solution we propose to this problem.”
Taldans was founded by Mustafa Kaplan and Filiz Sızanlı in 2003 in Istanbul. Until 2003, Kaplan and Sızanlı took part in various projects together and independently. Amongst the works they have created together for Taldans: Sek Sek (2003), Solum (2005), Graf (2006) Dokuman (2009), Ip/ Site (2010), Eskiyeni (2012) and We need to move urgently (2014).
Concept & Direction: Mustafa Kaplan
Choreography: Filiz Sızanlı, Mustafa Kaplan, Ömer Uysal
Performance: Filiz Sızanlı, Mustafa Kaplan
Costume: Petra
Duration: 40 min.
The event is free of charge.