TILL IT’S GONE Exhibition Events
Thursday, May 5, 2016, 19.30
Since 1997, Yoko Ono has been creating a series of works using wooden coffins and plants. In her installation “Ex It”, which was featured in the exhibition “TILL IT’S GONE”, olive trees growing out of wooden coffins symbolize peace, resurrection, and immortality. After March 20, the last day the installation was on view, these trees were planted in Ayvalık, with the collaboration of TEMA Foundation.
Organized around the theme of the olive and the olive tree, the event focuses on olive production policies in Turkey and the foundation’s work to date for the protection of all natural assets that make up the ecosystem on Earth, including water resources, forests, and biodiversity.
Speaker: Deniz Ataç (Chair of TEMA Foundation)
Photography: © CHROMA