Saturday, October 3, 2015, 19.00
Bedirhan Dehmen, Ejder Keskin, Alper Marangoz, Canberk Yıldız and Cem Yıldız perform a reinterpretation of their play “biz” for YAP Istanbul Modern. In the performance, three male dancers strive to become “one”, alternating between movement patterns performed as trios in which they do not lose physical contact and moments of exuberance in which they dance alone. Delving into their memories and bodies, they seek to explore what makes “we” one and sets us in motion. Cem Yıldız provides the voice and breath of the play, and leads the other two dancers with his bağlama and voice replicating and distorting both in real time digitally. The play will be performed in the site-specific installation “ALL THAT IS SOLID” designed by PATTU for the museum’s courtyard within the scope of the YAP Istanbul Modern: Young Architects Program.
“A reckoning with our own stories.
about “we”.
and about those we could not mourn because they died in disappointment, those we could not send off with love...”
“Who counts as human? Whose lives count as lives? And, finally, What makes for a grievable life? Despite our differences in location and history, my guess is that it is possible to appeal to a “we,” for all of us have some notion of what it is to have lost somebody. …Let’s face it. We’re undone by each other. And if we’re not, we’re missing something.”
(Judith Butler, Precarious Life)
“...just as the tongue again and again fumbles for the missing tooth, remembrance is a fumbling about a void, and is a rapture which never grows weary of re-announcing that absence is still and always absent...”
(Şule Gürbüz)
“It might sound too philosophical, but it's unacting acting or acting unacting.”
(Bruce Lee, I am Ben Bruce)
Creators and Performers: Bedirhan Dehmen, Ejder Keskin, Alper Marangoz, Canberk Yıldız, Cem Yıldız
Concept and Choreography: Bedirhan Dehmen
Music: Cem Yıldız
Lighting Design: Kerem Çetinel
Duration: 40'
The event is free of charge.
Thanks to Deniz Yıldız, Ekim Öztürk, Mine Tan Dehmen, Şafak Uysal and MSGSU Contemporary Dance Dept. Special thanks to Beyhan Murphy and MDTist for the cooperation received in the original creation of "we."