Russia, France, Belgium, Germany |DCP, Color, 127' |Russian

Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev

Cast: Mariana Spivak, Alexei Rozin, Matvei Novikov

Andrey Zvyaginstev’s dramatic suspense thriller focuses on a loveless and tired couple on the verge of a divorce, and their twelve-year-old son who they don’t love and openly admit that they want nothing to do with. When their son suddenly goes missing, the couple begins a search mission and encounter useless public institutions, individuals that have grown apart because they have drowned themselves in technology and a trauma that has passed on from generations to generations. This multilayered, white-knuckle drama offers both the portrait of a family on the brink of destruction and an intense critique of society.

Past Programs
The Foreigners of the Oscars
January 11–21, 2018